For Sale: Straight Talk cell phone with camera and charger $50; couch and love seat $150; Wants: stove 617-7061
For Sale: walker $10; 2-wheel grocery basket $10 506-0748
For Sale: ¾ violin for child $35; child’s new guitar $25 962-1102
For Sale: 1966 International gas tractor $3,500 (1 owner) 890-3475
For Sale: bumper pool table; 15-foot fiberglass boat, trailer, motor; jet ski 243-7736
Wants: Bunn coffee maker 890-5397
Service: bush hogging; Wants: 3 BR house in Kittrell area 569-4119
For Sale: Sony PlayStation II with a few games and 2 controllers; Dale Earnhardt, Jr. collectibles; quilt items 631-0410
For Sale: Barbee Dolls (12 in box) $200 556-0173
For Sale: 1991 Cadillac Eldorado (rough body; car runs well) $700 617-0313
Wants: mow yards, painting, etc. 931-247-9487
For Sale: body weights; rear tyne tiller; travel trailer 578-7991
Wants: air compressor (21 gallon size) 895-3410
Yard Sale: 602 Irongate Drive (cookbooks, Star Wars items, everything) 7AM this Friday (7/15/11) 893-5458
For Sale: medium size aquarium with accessories; walker; cell phone 900-9635
Wants: VW 1987 convertible; 48-inch John Deere mower 439-0208
For Sale: Bowflex; toolbox for full size pickup 427-9488