Murfreesboro City Council Busy Thursday Night

Feb 12, 2015 at 10:22 pm by bryan

The Murfreesboro City Council met Thursday evening (2/12/2015) and approved agreements to widen State Route 96, and dealt with issues concerning construction of the new Rutherford County Judicial Building within the historic downtown district.

Widening State Route 96


Concerning the widening of Franklin Roade, the agreement was between the City of Murfreesboro, Swanson Developments, LP and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for funding associated with the widening of State Route (SR) 96.

The section of Hwy 96 will be widened to five lanes in advance of the development of a new Kroger on the northeast corner of SR 96 and Veterans Parkway.

City Transportation Director Dana Richardson said, "In December 2014, the Planning Commission approved a site plan for Kroger with a condition that the company was required to improve SR 96 to facilitate site access or contribute funding to an improvement project. Kroger deposited $500,000 to be applied to this improvement."

As part of the agreement, Swanson Developments, LP agreed to contribute $250,000 to TDOT towards reconstruction of SR 96 to a five lane roadway between Overall Creek and Veterans Parkway, including reconstruction of the bridge over Overall Creek.

Under the agreement, $750,000 in local funding will be matched with approximately $2.8 million in State funds. No City funds will be required for the project.

Richardson added, "This improvement project is listed in the City's 2025 Major Thoroughfare Plan and is part of both TDOT's and the Metropolitan Planning Organization's Long Range Transportation Plan."

The Murfreesboro City Council also approved an agreement between the City and the Rutherford County Public Building Authority (PBA) on coordinating the redesign of Lytle Street between NW Broad St. and North Church St. as a joint project. Under the agreement, the initial project design will be shared equally between the two entities, dividing the $361,616 for Wiser Consultants, LCC to provide professional design services.

Judicial Building

Rutherford County has plans to build a Judicial Center and parking structure on Lytle St. between North Walnut St. and North Church St.

The Council had earlier approved an amendment to an existing agreement with Wiser for design services on reconstruction of Lytle Street. The relocation is phase 1 of the project with phase 2 continuing between Barker St. and North Church St.

Richardson said, "Based on the extent of the phase 2 project that is both inside the limits of the Judicial Center and parking structure and those outside the limits of the PBA's projects. It's agreed that the design will be undertaken with a fifty percent PBA and fifty percent City contributions toward the cost of the design."

Design services by Wiser will include a field survey, preparation of plans to TDOT standards, design development of a roundabout at the intersection of Lytle and College streets, street improvements along College Street, and drainage and signal design.

When completed, Lytle Street will join West Main, Church, and West Vine streets to provide direct access to downtown Murfreesboro from Broad Street.

Plans call for construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Lytle and College Streets to improve the geometry and traffic flow.

"The Lytle Street project is a companion project to the larger Broad and Memorial overpass project," said Transportation Director Dana Richardson. "Relocating and reconstructing a portion of Lytle Street with traffic light signals to serve as a new access point to the Public Square, is a major priority."

The total estimated $2.8 million project cost must still be approved by the Council as part of a new Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget later this year.

Sections: News