The Rutherford County Fire Rescue will take post with their fireman boots in hand at the storefront of the local Sam’s Club located on 125 John R. Rice Blvd. in Murfreesboro, TN. The Fire Rescue is fired up for a great cause supporting the Muscular Dystrophy Association on July 30 and August 20, they have already fired up the community when filling the boot on July 16 and raised $1000 for MDA.
The Rutherford County Fire Rescue was formed over the past year by consolidating four local volunteer fire departments into one in order to better serve the Rutherford County citizens. This is the first year the new department will “Fill the Boot” for MDA. Last year, one of the four consolidated departments filled the boot and raised $947 in one location in one day. With the combined effort, the Fire Rescue will be filling the boot in two locations on three separate days to battle muscular dystrophy.
Local firefighters have a tradition of serving children and adults with muscular dystrophy. One upcoming benefit of their efforts is MDA summer camp, where children, ages 6-17, will enjoy an activity-packed, week-long getaway at MDA Summer Camp. Summer camp is just one of the many services MDA offers to local families battling muscular dystrophy. The donations collected by the Firefighters will also help fund local clinics and support groups, as well as fund vital research aimed at treatments and cures for neuromuscular disease.
MDA is a voluntary health agency working to find treatments and cures for 43 neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive medical and community services, and far-reaching professional and public health education.