MTSU's Learning Opportunities For Age 50+ Segment of Population

Aug 09, 2011 at 09:14 am by bryan

Adventures in Learning, an annual program for adults aged 50 and older, is scheduled for Sept. 12, 19 and 26 and Oct. 3 at First United Methodist Church, located at 265 W. Thompson Lane in Murfreesboro. Current and retired MTSU personnel once again will play major roles in this year’s series of lectures. They and their topics are:

  • Dr. Ralph Fullerton, professor emeritus, geography and geology, geopolitical issues;
  • Dr. Paul Foster, associate professor of psychology, “The Aging Brain: Part II”;
  • Drs. June McCash and Ron Messier, professors emeriti and former directors of the University Honors Program, discussing their respective writings;
  • Lynette Ingram, retired English professor, ‘“Room’ by Emma Donaghue”;
  • Dr. John Paul Montgomery, professor emeritus and former director of the University Honors Program, “A Search for a Poetic Voice and Technique”;
  • Dr. Shelley Thomas, associate professor of French, “Beginner French for Fun”; and
  • Gina Logue, producer/media representative in the Office of News and Media Relations, “The Golden Age of Radio.”

Adventures is Learning is planned by an interfaith coalition that includes Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Central Christian Church, East Main Church of Christ, First Baptist Church at East Main Street, First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, Northminster Presbyterian Church, St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.


Lectures are slated for 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., 10:45-11:45 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. each Monday. Carolyn’s Creations will cater lunches. Registration fees are $8 per person for the entire four-lecture series, plus an optional $36 per person for all four lunches, through Sept. 2. Those who enroll on the first day may still purchase all four lunches for $36. Each participant who registers after Sept. 2 will pay $10 for the four-part series and an optional $10 per day for lunches. For participants who choose to register one day at a time, registration is $5 per day.

Free brochures with complete lecture information are available at the St. Clair Senior Citizens Center, Linebaugh Public Library, SportsCom, Patterson Park Recreation Center and various churches. Checks should be mailed to AIL Treasurer, 1267 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, Tenn., 37130. For more information, contact Mary Belle Ginanni at 615-895-6072.

Founded in 1911, Middle Tennessee State University is a Tennessee Board of Regents institution located in Murfreesboro and is the state’s largest public undergraduate institution.

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