Rutherford Co. Woman Charged with TennCare Fraud

Aug 11, 2011 at 11:20 pm by bryan

A Rutherford County woman charged with TennCare fraud has been ordered to serve two years in a Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC) prison facility.

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) today announced the conviction of Carman M. Reade, 22, of Murfreesboro.  Reade pleaded guilty to one count of TennCare fraud and received a two year sentence, plus she must repay TennCare for her medical expenses while she was on the program, along with court cost and fines.

Reade was arrested by the OIG in March for using TennCare to obtain a prescription for the painkiller Hydrocodone and then selling a portion of the drugs.  District Attorney General William Whitesell, Jr. prosecuted the case.

“Prescription drug trafficking has been a problem across the nation, but we are determined to eliminate this problem in the TennCare program in Tennessee,” Inspector General Deborah Faulkner said. “Enrollees who participate in selling drugs paid for by TennCare – and those who buy them – should understand this is a serious crime that we intend to prosecute to the fullest degree.”

The OIG, which is separate from TennCare, began full operation in February 2005 and has investigated cases leading to over $3.5 million paid in restitution and recoupment to TennCare, with a total estimated cost avoidance of over $173 million for the TennCare program, according to latest figures.  To date, nearly 1,500 people have been charged with TennCare fraud.

Through the OIG Cash for Tips Program established by the Legislature, Tennesseans can get cash rewards for TennCare fraud tips that lead to convictions.  Anyone can report suspected TennCare fraud by calling 1-800-433-3982 toll-free from anywhere in Tennessee, or log on to and follow the prompts that read "Report TennCare Fraud."
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