Special Classes for Girls at MTSU

Aug 25, 2011 at 06:06 am by bryan

Registration is open for girls in grades five through 12 across middle
Tennessee to attend the 15th annual MTSU Expanding Your Horizons in
Science and Mathematics Conference.

EYH, a hands-on science and math conference, is for middle-school girls in
grades five through eight and high-school girls in grades nine through 12.
It will be held Saturday, Oct. 22, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. at MTSU.
EYH encourages girls to investigate math and science careers; to talk to
women in these fields; participate in the activities; and meet other girls
interested in math and science.

Prospective participants and their parents can complete the online
registration and release forms on the MTSU EYH home page,
www.mtsu.edu/eyh. Registration fee is $15 and registration scholarships
are available.
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