Travel Cut in Half This Labor Day Weekend

Sep 02, 2011 at 06:36 am by bryan

Traveling this Labor Day weekend will be too laborious for a lot of people.

Auto club Triple A says a number of factors are discouraging Americans from hitting the road in what is considered the final weekend of the summer, even though the calendar says otherwise.


This year, 31.5 million people will travel at least 50 miles from home, a drop-off of 2.4 percent from Labor Day 2010.

Triple A blames higher gas prices, more expensive hotel rooms and packed planes for the malaise felt by folks who otherwise would love to get away this weekend.

There are other reasons too. Many Americans remain out of work, meaning there's no extra money for luxuries such as traveling. The aftermath of Hurricane Irene on the Eastern seaboard has also forced people to cancel plans they might have made prior to the storm.

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