Oil Paint Collection Sept. 17th
Rutherford County and the City of Murfreesboro Solid Waste Department will host an oil-based paint collection on Saturday morning, September 17th from 9:00 to noon at the city's facility on 4765 Florence Road. This is the only opportunity in the immediate future to properly dispose of oil-based paint. The label for oil-based paint, also referred to as alkyd, requires substances such as mineral spirits to clean brushes and rollers. Oil-based paint is considered hazardous and must be disposed of properly.
Non-Paint Household Collection Nov. 5th
A non-paint Household Hazardous Waste Collection is also scheduled for morning Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 to noon at the same location.
Latex paint, also called acrylic paint, is no longer collected at hazardous waste events since it is not actually a hazardous material. Instead it is a nuisance waste that should be dried at home before disposing of in the regular trash. For more information on proper drying methods please refer to the county website at www.rutherfordcountytn.gov/environmental/education.
For more information please call either 615 893-3681or 615 898-7739, or Mimi D. Keisling at 615 542-4633. You may also e-mail questions to mkeisling@rutherfordcountytn.gov.