Fundraiser for Murfreesboro Woman Suffering from Brain Aneurysm

Mar 17, 2016 at 02:50 pm by bryan

A Murfreesboro woman, who will next week have surgery for a brain aneurysm, needs your help.

A Benefit Poker Run for Amber Williams will be held Saturday (March 19th) at 10am. It will begin at Dewayne's Handle Bar, located at 2601 East Main Street.


Williams is looking at a long hospital stay and rehab after having a bypass on the aneurysm in her brain next Thursday (March 24th).

She's suffered with aneurysms since 2012, when she awoke one night to an excruciating headache. Turns out it was a ruptured aneurysm. In January, she went back to the doctor for testing on the same artery they'd clipped in 2012. It's an aneurysm that requires the surgery next week.

She and her family have a long road to recovery and could use your support Saturday at the Benefit Poker Run for Amber Williams. Again, it starts at 10am at Dewayne's Handle Bar, located at 2601 East Main Street.

For more information, there's a Facebook page with details. We have a link to it at


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