Eric Morrow Charged With "Infant Abuse"

Sep 12, 2011 at 04:36 pm by bryan

According to detectives at the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office, felony child abuse charges were filed against Eric Stanley Morrow, the father accused of seriously injuring his 8-day-old daughter last month.

The 24 year old father lives at 3550 Southridge Boulevard.  Family Crimes Unit Investigating Detective Phil Brooks of the Family Crimes Unit told WGNS News that Morrow was charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and aggravated child abuse.


Brooks commented that the investigation was launched after a complaint from the Department of Children’s Services. Morrow was accused of causing leg and throat injuries to his daughter. The infant was admitted to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

Commander Preble Acton said this was the second child abuse arrest by the unit in a week. DCS took custody of the infant and her 1-year-old sister. Eric Stanley Morrow is being held on $33,000 bond at the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. A hearing is scheduled Thursday (9/15/11) in General Sessions Court.

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