School Board Member Receives National Recognition

Sep 13, 2011 at 03:09 pm by bryan

Rutherford County School Board member Wayne Blair has been selected for the National School Board Association’s Distinguished Service Award.

NSBA recognizes up to 10 school board members in each state annually. Only two school board members from Tennessee received the award this year, which is given to those who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of education in the leadership at the local level and beyond, according to the organization. Blair previously won the same award in 2008.

“Wayne has been a champion for improving educational opportunities in our county since before he was elected to the School Board several years ago,” Director of Schools Harry Gill said. “I can’t think of anyone who is more deserving of this recognition.
To qualify for the award, recipients must have regular attendance at regional and state workshops / conferences; attend a minimum of three NSBA-sponsored workshops / conferences during a four-year period; and have achieved at least Level III of the TSBA Boardsmanship program.

“There are so many people out there doing so much ­– it was totally unexpected,” Blair said. “I try to be involved in the process and help TSBA. Of course, our district is the priority, but if we can help others across the state, then it’s worthwhile.”

Blair received the award on Sept. 8 at the Tennessee School Boards Association’s Mid Cumberland Fall District meeting.

Other Rutherford County board members also earned recognition at the TSBA fall meeting. Rutherford County School Board Chairman Mark Byrnes and board member Donald Jernigan both earned Level III Boardsmanship from the TSBA.

Blair was elected to the Rutherford County Board of Education in 2006 and served as vice chair during the 2007-2008 school year. He has served as an at-large member on the TSBA Board of Directors, achieved Level IV Boardsmanship from TSBA, and is a TSBA ambassador, among his many accomplishments as a school board member.
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