'Heroes in Heels' Fight Breast Cancer With Fashion

Sep 13, 2011 at 10:21 pm by bryan

20 models, clad in the latest fashions, strutted their stuff down the runway of the Belk department store at the Avenue last night, at the Heros in Heels fashion show.  So what's unusual about that?  How about that all 20 are breast cancer survivors?  The fashion show, a night of celebration and feeling beautiful again, was organized to raise funds for the After Breast Cancer Outreach Program, a YMCA-run ministry for breast cancer survivors.  Elaine Hanks, District Development Director for the YMCA, says that what comes after the diagnosis is the hardest part. Survivor and participant Leslie Tune explains why the night was special for her.  But perhaps survivor Sandra Staut said it best, that "Hopefully we will find a cure for cancer, and we will not even hear the word cancer anymore".

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