Tea Party Met in Murfreesboro on Saturday

Sep 19, 2011 at 06:27 am by bryan

Tea Party groups met on Saturday in Murfreesboro, New York and Chicago. The groups met to discuss the 2012 election. One of the items on the agenda for the Tea Party nation wide is John Boehner. Boehner has been moving further to the right since becoming House Speaker and next year, Boehner will be challenged in the GOP primary by Tea Party activist David Lewis.

On his campaign website, it says that Lewis is "a devout Christian, Tea Party leader, and pro-life leader" whose "only allegiance is to God and cannot be swayed by party, individuals, or interest groups."


According to Lewis, Boehner must be defeated because he supports a federal budget that includes funding for Planned Parenthood, which offers abortions as one of its services.

Boehner, who is a pro-lifer, is no stranger to Lewis since the activist camped outside the Speaker's congressional office and was arrested earlier in the year with other members of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.

While Boehner won the primary last year with 85 percent of the vote, that was before the Tea Party became a powerful force within the Republican Party.

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