The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is calling all 5th graders from across the state to participate in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) 2012 National Missing Children’s Day poster contest by entering at the state level for a chance to be selected as the national winner and awarded a free trip to Washington D.C. The purpose of the contest is to demonstrate America’s united effort to bring missing children home safely, while highlighting the importance of proactive education programs.
Each year more than 1.3 million children are reported missing across the country. Law enforcement, citizens and children play an important part in the safe return of those children to their families. DOJ will recognize the people and organizations who work to bring missing children home on May 23, 2012, National Missing Children’s Day, as well as remember the children who have been recovered and those who are still missing. The poster contest also provides teachers with the tools to educate students and parents about safety and initiate conversations about preventing child abductions.
DOJ sponsors a national poster contest every year and announces the winner at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. The theme is “Bring Our Missing Children Home.” Fifth graders in Tennessee can enter the poster contest by submitting them to TBI who will then pick a state winner to enter into the national contest. Please see the requirements and application for the poster contest attached to the end of this release. Applications can also be downloaded from the TBI website at
Tennessee entries and completed applications should be mailed to:
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation c/o Michelle Prickett, Criminal Intelligence Unit
901 R.S. Gass Blvd.
Nashville, TN 37216
Entries must be postmarked by February 29, 2012 for consideration. The state winner will be notified in March 2012 and entry will be submitted to the national contest. The national winner will be selected and notified in April.