Nicole Kidman Drama Filming on Broad Street

Sep 23, 2011 at 01:16 pm by bryan

If you think you see someone who looks a lot like actress Nicole Kidman around town, it may be her!  Filming for her new drama Stoker is currently taking place at the Motel Murfreesboro on Broad Street.  Filming began in Nashville earlier in the month, with preparations taking place all this week here in Murfreesboro, and shooting began on the 22nd.  A large crane has lifted an unspecified steel structure into place behind the motel, which has been fitted with a new roof on half of it, a vintage neon sign, and a phone booth out front.  The set is closed to the public, but much of the crew's work is visible from the street.  The plot of the film is summarized as "After her father dies, an enigmatic uncle moves in with a girl and her emotionally unstable mother. Although she has suspicions about his motives, she finds herself drawn to him."  The film also stars Matthew Goode and Dermot Mulroney, and is set to be released next year.  

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