Murfreesboro City Council, 9-29-11

Sep 29, 2011 at 08:35 pm by bryan

Election excitement at the September 29th meeting of the Murfreesboro City Council.  The council considered appointments to fill a vacancy on the Murfreesboro City School Board.  Out of the field of ten applicants, Collier Smith and Bill Shacklett gathered the most votes, and Smith was elected after four rounds of voting.  Smith will be officially sworn in at the next school board meeting, October 11th.  The Planning Commission recommended abandoning water and sewer easements along Memorial Boulevard and North Walnut Street, three areas south of SR-99 New Salem Highway were rezoned, two to Highway Commercial District and one to Residential, and an 1.9 acres southeast of the intersection of Barfield Road and SR-99 New Salem Highway was annexed and rezoned to Highway Commercial District.  The Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue Department used $121,300 from the 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to purchase two new generators for use at headquarters on Vine Street, as well as Station 9 on Cason Lane, in the event of a power outage.  Council made minor alterations to Chapter 25 of the city code, in particular dealing with residentially located signs for end or corner tenants, and the City Engineer and Assistant City Attorney recommended final asphalt resurfacing in three subdivisions now being completed, all under development by Mr. Bob Parks.  The city approved the new asphalt not only as a means of completion, but also to further seal the road and prevent deterioration in the coming winter.

Sections: News