For Sale: Café Style Table with two chairs for $35 and a large HOVAROUND Carrier for $200 – 896-3702
For Sale: elec. wheelchair and a 500 gallon propane tank 563-9844
For Sale: Mini acoustic guitar with case for $300 and a John Deere Pedeal Car for $150 636-8623
Benefit Yard Sale on Friday, Sat. and Sun. at 1609 Bill EllerDrive AND I need donations. 568-2698.
For Sale: Whirlpool stove and refrigerator call 615-439-5778
HUGE YARDSALE: 3470 Sulphur Springs Rd. on Fri. and Sat. 890-5491
For Sale: Two tables (quality tables) one is maple and the other an oak table ($50 ea.) 848-0463
Free Dog – Dotson mix – 893-9369
For Sale: gutters and downspouts 890-0707
WANTED: 12 restaurant Chairs 962-7136
For Sale: 2.5 HP Air Compressor and a washing machine 890-3181
For Sale: 1998 Suzuki 650 call 568-1361 $600
YARD SALE: Fri. and Sat. 212 Dill Lane 895-3160
For Sale: Two Ponies $200 ea. 631-6049
YARD SALE: 1660 Saddle Dr. off Lascassas Pike on Fri. and Sat. 406-7871
For Sale: Loveseat for $15 615-355-7534
WANTED: Dutch barn or a shed. Will do bushoging 569-4119
For Sale: wireless guitar and mic (hook up units) and selling a boat 243-7736
For Sale: OAK wood for fire $65 a rick – will deliver 945-5799
For Sale: DVD player 315-1020
For Sale: Dump truck – does not run 282-8194
For Sale: Dolls and toys for kids – four boxes for $10 ea. 896-1516