For Sale: 2 Predator tickets for tomorrow night’s game (section 103, row K) $100 for both (normal $90 each); cordless mic and guitar pickup; boat with motor, trailer-everything for $1,100 243-7736
For Sale: wood stove; 1989 Toyota car; 1986 wrecker 563-9844
Wants: Walking Liberty silver dollars 692-4631
For Sale: MTD 36-inch cut riding mower (motor quit running) 631-5697
For Sale: oak table and chairs $75 462-6298
For Sale: air compressor; patio table and 6 chairs; treadmill 653-0769
For Sale: solid oak 4-foot long bench with storage underneath $75 542-1306
For Sale: 1950’s bedroom suite 896-2495
For Sale: love seat 355-7534
For Sale: Pro-form elliptical 617-2685
For Sale: refrigerator (double-wide); TV 32-inch plasma HD; cell phone with charger $30 974-7828
For Sale: Bear brand compound bow 477-3492
For Sale: cattle racks; electric heater 962-7136
For Sale: male and female Boston Terrier $300 each 867-7145