For Sale: 1986 wrecker; big wood heater; chest freezer 563-9844
For Sale: push bar for front of truck from 2008 Chevy half-ton $250 (new); Wants: flat bottom boat; will haul off junk for free 485-7305
For Sale: Whirlpool under counter microwave $50 995-4545
For Sale or Trade: hot tub (trade for truck or camper); For Sale: bumper pool table; cordless guitar pickup or mic 243-7736
For Sale: black electric stove $75 631-5910
For Sale: 2001 fifth wheel 25-foot camper 525-1968
For Sale: split seasoned firewood $60 per rick you pickup or $70 delivered 624-3428
For Sale: 4 cycle weed eater $35; 10 fishing rod and reels; sewing machine in cabinet $15 568-1361
For Sale: dresser (no mirror); toys (dolls and stuffed animals) 896-1516
For Sale: love seat $10 355-7534
For Sale: brass floor lamp $10; 7-speed blender $8; small electric heater $10 890-0707
For Rent: furnished mobile home (no pets); For Sale: 2 wheel trailer; tool box for full size truck 896-0939
For Sale: 16 books on cassette tape; 663-6655
For Sale: lady’s pants suits, jackets and skirts; shoes 972-4932
Free: Blue Healer dog free to good 506-1150