Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Nov 02, 2011 at 08:51 am by bryan

For Sale:  wood heater; chest freezer; 1986 wrecker  563-9844

For Sale: 16 books on tape $40 for all or 4 for $12; rose bushes $10 and will deliver and plant for $20  430-4088

Garage Sale: 8AM-? Thur.-Sat. rain or shine with glassware and goodies  138 Knox Road in Readyville (toward Bradyville)  563-3027

For Sale: treadmill $350  617-2685

Wants:  fifth wheel for a truck bed  217-8335

For Sale: male 10-week old Boston Terrier $300  867-7145

For Sale: 14-foot livestock trailer (bumper hitch)  893-7357

For Sale: Blackberry cellphone with cover $50  306-4613

For Sale: concrete block piers good for deck; air compressor; dog house  653-0769

For Sale: love seat $10  355-7534

For Sale: 2 storage units filled antiques from her father’s estate, call Lynn for an appointment  809-7634

For Sale: medium size igloo dog house; manual tread mill  478-3616

For Sale: new 26-inch girl’s bike with 18-speed $20  971-3643

For Sale: 5 x  8-foot utility trailer   895-1258

Sections: Swap and Shop