Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Nov 09, 2011 at 09:27 am by bryan

Wants: Ashley Warm Morning heater-stove; For Sale: set of 7 iron skillets $75   895-8489

For Sale: Yamaha acoustic $150; Bali acoustic $60 (both have cases); Elvis photo collection (102 pictures) $2 each or all for one  624-6363

For Sale: seasoned firewood $60 you pickup; $70 delivered  624-3428

For Sale: Polen chain saw with 14-inch bar $65; CB antenna for outside $35; Wants: old Sunday coupon  663-1875

For Sale: hog  584-4424

For Sale: Jeep Cherokee gold spider wheels; 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix (ready to restore, and is not running) 210-4968

For Sale: 8 piece retired Disney Parks village $400  406-7455

Event: food drive for Domestic Violence and Last Call for Grace Ministries is THIS SATURDAY 10AM-2PM. Bring non- perishable food eastside of courthouse  542-0396

For Sale: 189 Chevy king-cab truck; torches; Craftsman tool box with tools  563-9844

Wants: King or Ashley wood heater; flat bottom aluminum boat; will haul junk free  485-7305

Sections: Swap and Shop