For Sale: For Rent: mobile home (no pets); For Sale: large microwave, TV (27-32-inch screen) 896-0939
For Sale: 1984 Silverado; Craftsman tool box; torch 563-9844
For firewood $60 you pickup, $70 delivered and stacked 624-3428
For Sale: self-propelled push mower $30; large microwave $10; seasoned firewood 895-1258
For Sale: oak table with claw feet $50 962-7136
For Sale: Chihuahua puppies (7-weeks old with 1st shots) 896-8141
For Sale: portable basketball goal; Fisher Price rescue heroes; garage sale items 907-1595
For Sale: Nortrack 1800 treadmill $350 217-4002
For Sale: 18-foot trailer x 8-feet wide $250 828-4997
For Rent: 2 BR home in Scotland Acres $695/month 893-8457
Wants: used wood stove/heater with fire brick; Service: 485-7305
For Sale: antique 1800’s colorful accordion $200; old clocks 624-6363