For Sale: Craftsman roll around tool box with tools; propane torches to cut metal; 3 vehicles 563-9844
For Sale: glass top patio table and 6-chairs; Murray push mower; air compressor 653-0769
For Sale; round oak table; cattle racks; 1986 Toyota truck 962-7136
For Sale: 1994 Dodge Spirit (needs paint work) $750 893-3986
For Sale: two 2.35 x 15 “All Terrain” tires $100 (like new); peg board $7 per sheet 653-3680
For Sale: John Deer pedal car (new in box) $150; Takamine guitar $350 636-8623
For Sale: set of torches with tanks $95; service station driveway bell $45 713-9688 (after 3PM)
Wants: old guitars (prefer Gibson or Fender) and old amps 494-0804
Wants: Walking Liberty silver dollars; lucky rabbit’s foot on chain 692-4631
Yard Sale: Saturday at 543 Warrior Drive 7AM-3PM 971-3316
For Sale: pair of female Beagle hounds; male registered Walker coonhound 542-6151
For Sale: python and chameleon 274-3561
Wants: bamboo 796-1121