For Sale: Dell Computer with Windows 7 for $200 – 624-6363
For Sale: oversized couch that is siege in color and a Murray push mower and a dog house 615-653-0769
For Sale: Christmas arraignments call 615-995-6164
WANTED: Corner hutch cabinet 962-1102
For Sale: Slightly used gutters in good condition – make an offer – 890-0707
For Sale: Single bed for $35 and a tool box for a truck for $35 and a portable basketball goal $20 -896-0939
For Sale: Like new boflex sport machine and a full sized tool box for a truck and WANT a pine bedroom suite 895-5746
For Sale: Six oak dining room chairs for $6 ea. 893-9418
For Sale: nice 27” TV with remote for $40 and a Grayco Stroller and bassenett for $30 and a two Snuggie blankets for $12 for both – 615-513-2238
FREE: Three kittens call 971-6454
For Sale: Fischer Price Rescue Heros 907-1595
For Sale: two tables (one from the early 50’s) 848-0463
For Sale: 1984 Buick Century for $1200 call 793-9071
For Sale: !984 Silverado Truck and a set of torches and yard sale stuff – 563-9844
For Sale: Artist paint and ezells 542-1873