Thousands of residents packed the Murfreesboro square Friday night (12/2/2011) to listen to Chrismtas music and be a part of the lighting of the Rutherford County Christmas tree.
The weather was perfect as St. Nick arrived in a horse drawn carriage. Santa and Mrs. Claus worked their way through the crowd to the stage in front of the courthouse where two giant rockers enabled the popular duo to watch the good little boys and girls. After the outside festivities, Santa moved inside the courthouse to talk personally with everyone.
Murfreesboro Mayor Tommy Bragg thanked WGNS' Bart Walker for serving as emcee of this event for many years. Then Walker was given the honor to throw the big switch that lit the giant tree on the east side of the town square as Bragg and Rutherford County Mayor Ernest Burgess lead the crowd in the countdown.
Carriage rides and other festive events will be featured in the historic uptown district up to Christmas weekend. This is sponsored by the Main Street Renovation Program and the Only Downtown Merchants Business Alliance.