Murfreesboro Rotary Pancake Breakfast 7:00-10:30AM This Saturday at MTCS

Dec 05, 2011 at 07:43 am by bryan

The Murfreesboro Rotary Club will be holding its 9th annual Pancake Breakfast from 7:00-10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Middle Tennessee Christian School cafeteria. Santa will be there for the kids, along with live music. Tickets are only $5 and may be purchased from any club member or at the door.

This event is the major fundraiser for the Murfreesboro Rotary Club and the proceeds are used to fund community projects. Club members provide volunteers and participate in the Red Cross Blood Drives, trash pickup on the Lytle Creek Greenway, Fenton Payne & Fred 5K Run, Red Cross disaster responders, Meals on Wheels, Special Olympics, Salvation Army bell ringers and Uncle Dave Macon Days.


The Murfreesboro R otary Club is part of a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders. Rotarians provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. As signified by the motto “Service Above Self,” Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

For more information, contact Rotary Club President Elect Kent Syler at 615-481-1986 or

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