Thursday Swap'n Shop

Dec 08, 2011 at 08:17 am by bryan

For Sale: Gibson Les Paul electric guitar with mic, stand and amp $600   624-6363

For Sale: 1984 Silverado pickup, automatic; set of torches; Wants: junk cars 563-9844

For Sale: kitchen appliances (refrigerator, flat top stove, microwave) $700 for all; 8 push mowers and weed eaters $70 for all of them  568-1361

Wants: small cedar sticks to whittle  890-1649

For Sale: bumper pool table $150; cordless mic and cordless   243-7736

Wants: 4-wheeler tires for a Polaris 400; travel trailer hitch and  sway bar  476-9595

For Sale: Magic Chef refrigerator $100; Whirlpool dryer $50; weight lifting set $150  893-1030

Wants: kid’s mini-bike with 5HP motor  809-4591

For Sale: 32-inch cable ready Sanyo TV; 22-inch Magnavox   848-4349

For Rent: 2 BR duplex $650 per month (on Burleson Ln., off the Old Nashville Highway)  238-5245

For Sale: 51-inch big screen TV (floor model)  893-6564

For Sale: small horse trailer  812-3595

For Sale: 7 iron skillets (10-inch down to 3-inch size) all in mint condition, $75 for all;  52-inch big TV $50  895-8489

Sections: Swap and Shop