For Sale: 4-wheeler; 1984 Silverado; electric wheelchair 563-9844
Wants: safe and large steel container that can be locked 828-8258
For Sale: stove $80 and refrigerator $120 439-5778
For Sale: Bow-Flex $250; tool box for full size truck; For Rent: 1 BR in Murfreesboro 427-9488
For Sale: Gibson Les Paul guitar, amp, case and all accessories $600 624-6363
Yard Sale: 1603 Eagle St. 7AM-2PM Saturday old crank-up record player and more 895-1720
For Sale: Titan’s tickets for this weekend 893-6726
For Sale: Amana dryer (1-year old) $200 785-7528
For Sale: plastic tool box with truck $30; big metal tool box (2 x 2 x 8-feet); 3 tires and rims for dually truck $25 each all 3 for $50 848-3590
For Sale: 51-inch big screen TV 893-6564