Woodbury Dinner Theatre Production "Nunsense" Ends This Friday and Saturday

Dec 14, 2011 at 09:56 am by bryan

This Friday and Saturday evenings at 6:30 are the final two dinner theatre performances of Nunsense at The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Highway in neighboring Woodbury.  Tickets are $25 per person and includes dinner, drink, dessert and the show. 

Nunsense is a hilarious spoof about the misadventures of the Little Sisters of Hoboken, five nuns who discover their cook, Sister Julia, Child of God, has accidently poisoned 52 of the sisters and the order is in dire need of burial funds. 


The sisters decide that the best way to raise the money is to put on a variety show, so they take over the school auditorium, which is currently set up for the eighth grade production of “Grease.” Here we meet Reverend Mother Regina, a former circus performer; Sister Mary Hubert, the Mistress of Novices; a streetwise nun from Brooklyn named Sister Robert Anne; Sister Mary Leo, a novice who is a wannabe ballerina; and the delightfully wacky Sister Mary Amnesia, the nun who lost her memory when a crucifix fell on her head.

For reservations or ticket information please call 615-563-(ARTS) 2787 or 1-800-235-9073. Check out our web site at www.artscenterofcc.com.

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