For Sale: front end loader; Yard Sale: 395 Barker Rd. in Readyville (9AM-?) Wants: junk autos 563-9844
Wants: feeders for cattle 653-5077
For Sale: heavy duty Amana dryer $100 (like new); 1995 Chevy Blazer, 4-wheel drive $1,200 785-7528
For Sale: Sear’s Craftsman chain saw $80 for 2 saws 895-1258
For Sale: Singer portable sewing machine; plus size clothes (size 22-24); cake decorating supplies 563-8320
For Sale: 1,700 board feet of oak, cherry and walnut lumber; 14-inch band saw by Central Machinery; 10-inch bench saw 893-5794
For Sale: lady’s jeans/slacks and pants suits (small to extra large) 972-4932