For Rent: 2 BR mobile home in Kittrelll 896-2773
Found: 2 large black male dogs on Baird and Atlas 896-9473
For Sale: John Deer antique pedal tractor $275 355-5548
For Sale: couch; George Foreman gill 812-1372
For Sale: Murray go-car $200 439-7293
For Sale: Kenmore larger washer and dryer set (white) $225 for the set 896-3444 after 8:30AM
For Sale: floor model color TV $50 and table model TV $25; riding and push mower 410-7935
For Sale: new AT&T cordless phone; barstool; almost new toaster oven 890-0707
Wants: someone to haul off old refrigerator-freezer 504-0648
Wants: signs with arrow and letters; For Sale: dinner bell 495-0202