Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Jan 17, 2012 at 09:12 am by bryan

For Sale: large brass table lamp; 104 pocket knives $500 for all; 1950's Horse Clock $50 624-6363

For Sale: 2 Chevy V-8 motors; 1990 Silverado extended cab pickup; hens 563-9844

Wants: chest of drawers (under $25); book cases (at least 5-feet tall) under $25 556-7089

For Sale: 1995 Chevy Blazer, 4-wheel drive, tow bar, $1,100 785-7528

For Sale: rocking chair 355-7534

For Sale: 1998 Honda Civic, runs great, $2,800 568-1361

For Sale: medium blue tailgate for a 1981-1987 Chevy pickup truck $50 361-3129


For Sale: arcade Indy game $200; antique 1941 Handyman restored tractor 809-5359


For Sale: female English coon hound; pickup truck dog box 542-6151


Sections: Swap and Shop