More On Resignation of LaVergne Fire Marshal

Jan 27, 2012 at 10:49 am by bryan

More on those serious allegations that led to the resignation of a fire marshal in La Vergne. Victor Woods allegedly was given the choice or resigning or being fired in connection with two blazes in this northern municipality. 
Specialty Arms II owner John Arnold claims the fire marshal walked with him into the gun and ammo store after the Christmas night blaze. Arnold, who said he started in 1979 and has invested his life in the business, feels evidence may have been compromised, since this was even before the ATF arrived. 
Another La Vergne resident spoke out against the fire marshal. He claims that Fire Marshal Woods was several hours late to investigate a January 8th blaze at his Lantern Light Cove home. 
In a letter of resignation to the City of La Vergne, Woods' writes, "I have been employed since November 2006. However, I regret to inform you that effective Jan. 10, 2012, I resign my employment as fire marshal for the City of LaVergne". He concluded, "I have returned all property of the city back to the city's possession."
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