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Monday Swap'n Shop

Feb 20, 2012 at 08:34 am by bryan

 For Sale: Dell computer and accessories 974-7828

For Sale: 4 x 8-foot shed; microwave; concrete blocks 653-0769

For Sale: black plastic full-size truck tool box $60; 1986 Chevy S-10 for parts; black Huntington acoustic guitar 895-9834

Wants: lady with furniture store; For Sale: antique bedroom set; recliner; coffee table 593-0029

For Sale: clothes dryer $75 900-6512

Moving Sale: 15199 Cranor Rd. 10AM-6PM M-Thu and 10AM-8PM Friday: leather couch, entertainment center, home supplies 971-3610

For Sale: lift chair recliner (excellent condition) $250 call Pat 904-0271

For Sale: 15-foot fiberglass boat, 60HP motor, trolling motor and more $900; bumper pool table $150; 1956 Chevy 243-7736

For Sale: 2003 Ford Escape, 4 cylinder, $5,200 587-5187

For Sale: Raven 25 pistol (in box) with pearl handles; Kel-Tech 9mm pistol (trade) 663-3077

For Sale: Kenmore dishwasher; under the counter Whirlpool, heavy, microwave; recliners 752-2816

For Sale matching Whirlpool refrigerator and stove $150 for both 439-5778

For Sale: 2 seat go-cart $200; 17.5HP Husky riding mower $200 439-7293

Wants: combination safe (any size) 828-8258

For Sale: drop leaf rectangular maple table (1940s); round solid oak table ($75 each); Wants: individual pieces of privacy fence, gates, etc. (metal fence, watering can,) 848-0463

Sections: Swap and Shop