Swap and Shop for Friday

Mar 02, 2012 at 12:40 pm by bryan

 For Sale: computer (Dell) for $60 and coffee cups for $10 per set 974-7828

For Sale: Go carts, a four wheeler and two trucks 563-9844

For Sale: upright piano and a computer desk – 569-7734

For Sale: 5-year old German Shepard 556-3208 FREE

Two dogs found 615-542-0619 CALL

For Sale: Whirlpool stove with paperwork - $100 – 439-5778

For Sale: red concrete landscape edgers (.50 cents each) Pea Gravel Stepping Stones and different iris's 631-0410

For Sale: Three Bore Goats (Billy's) and a tool box for a full sized truck 427-9488

For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition in excellent shape and a 31-foot travel trailer 578-7991

WANTED: Washing machine and a tiller 895-4156 – Ronnie

Want a used car 573-2664

For Sale: garlic plants and bulbs 896-5948

For Sale: Bumper Pool Table and a 1956 Chevy and a 2005 Jeep Wrangler 243-7736

Sections: Swap and Shop