For Sale:dresser (imitation white marble top) $150 624-6363
Wants: Female Beagle hound or small dog (Chihuahua, etc.) 217-0579
For Sale: chain saw; 1992 Sierra pickup for part 663-3077
For Sale: Dell computer $60; coffee cups 974-7828
Wants: help in removing big tree that blew down and you get the wood 893=9418
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734
For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition XLT 578-7991
For Sale: clean couch (sage color) $100; super-sized Whirlpool stove (white) $75 439-5778
Wants: 6 grown guinea hens; game hen and rooster 890-1540
Wants: someone to work on car 730-0896
For Sale: Simmon's sofa hide-away unit; bed with bookcase 390-7045
For Sale: above range microwave $50; aluminum Pontiac wheels; dog house $10 653-0769
For Sale: 2 small table saws; radial arm saw $1`50 for all 895-3160
Wants: square bales of hay 569-7751
Free: De-clawed cat that is litter box trained and he is moving and can't take it 243-2409