For Sale: 7-8 cans of Seven dust; GE microwave (above range) 653-0769
Wants: used Verizon cell phone 796-4018
For Sale: 2003 Ford Expedition; 31-foot travel trailer 578-7991
For Sale: 22-inch lawn mower $50; small refrigerator $25; microwave $15 995-2142
For Sale: upright grand piano; bed (regular size); computer desk 569-7734
For Sale: tiller (small) $80 424-1354
For Sale: 51-inch projection TV with remote 893-6564
For Sale: 2004 Ford Explorer, low miles; 42-inch Husky riding mower, 18HP 971-4327
For Sale: 1992 GMC short bed truck for parts; chainsaw 663-3077
For Sale: puppies (miniature Doberman) 896-8141
For Sale: 7-foot tall showcase, 2-feet wide with lights and glass doors and glass shelves $300; small oak display case with mirror back $50 624-6363
For Sale: handgun; Fisher Price toys; computer desk 931-575-9861
Wants: small female dog 890-2713
For Sale: new cordless phone in box $20; lady's purses $2-$5; lady's new Sag Harbor jacket $5 890-0707
For Sale: wicker sunroom sofa with 2 pillows; 72-inch DR table; Twin Tower print 895-5746
For Sale: set of cattle racks 506-1150