Teen Sex Abuse Arrest

Mar 12, 2012 at 10:12 am by bryan

Charges were filed against a former female youth minister accused of having sexual contact with a 17-year-old male, a Rutherford County Sheriff’s detective reported.

Defendant Jacqueline Taylor, 36, of Amherst Drive, was charged with sexual battery by an authority figure and contributing to the delinquency of a minor last month by Detective D.J. Jackson. 


Taylor was accused of engaging in sexual contact with the juvenile while parking in her vehicle in driveways of vacant houses during January off Old Nashville Highway near Smyrna. When the juvenile’s parents learned about the alleged sexual assault, a complaint was filed with the sheriff’s office. Jackson’s investigation led to the charges. 

During a General Sessions Court hearing Wednesday, Taylor asked for a public defender to represent her. Another hearing is set April 4th.

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