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Monday Swap'n Shop

Mar 26, 2012 at 09:06 am by bryan

 For Sale: Cricket phone $20 (no camera); coffee cup set 974-7828

For Sale: Zippo lighter collection; computer desk Wants: beer steins 295-5505

For Sale: 2006 tag along travel trailer with 2 slide outs; 2003 Ford XLT Expedition 578-7991

For Rent: 2 BR mobile home in Kittrell Community 896-2773

Wants: frame for free-standing hammock in good shape 848-0463

For Sale: 1956 Chevy Bel Aire; bumper pool table; For Rent: horse pasture and barn 243-7736

Wants: porch rocker (prefer white) 848-9333

For Sale: computer desk $20; antique chest of drawers (1950's) $25; 4 x 8-foot sheet of 3/4-inch plywood $20 569-7734

For Sale: full-size tool box (like new) for pickup 809-9525

For Sale: truck bed 2-wheel trailer $200; 4-wheeler; Wants: junk vehicles 563-9844

For Sale: Craftsman lawnmower; stainless steel double-sink with accessories $60 each 459-5364

For Sale: set of iron skillets (10 ½ to 3-inches) $60 for all 7 895-8489

For Sale: 42-inch Cub Cadet riding mower 896-9693

For Sale: green metal glider $100 273-2460

For Sale: 22-inch push mower $45 424-1354

For Sale: 2 table saws and 1 radial arm saw $150 for all 895-3160

For Sale: 13-inch color TV; cell phone; sword (Japanese) 900-9635

Sections: Swap and Shop