For Sale: plastic pickup truck tool box; desk and chair; large Home Interior mirror 563-9844
For Sale: diamond plated aluminum truck tool $65 809-9525
For Sale: Whirlpool refrigerator (extra large) $175 439-5778
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk; 4 x 8-foot 3/4-inch plywood 569-7734
For Sale: 4 male donkeys; Guinea eggs 848-3590
Yard Sale: 7AM-? Friday and Saturday at 1023 Netherland Drive (off Minerva) 890-4233
For Sale: 2000 Chevy Cavalier with 40K miles and custom painted hood with 3 crosses $3,500 896-8543
Wants: swing set; For Sale: 2002 PT Cruiser Limited Edition, great shape $3,800 542-2792
For Sale: 38-inch, 12.5HP Cub Cadet riding mower $300 896-4461
For Sale: horse pasture with barn and water; For Sale: bumper pool table $150; 1956 Chevy Bel Aire with much renovations $8,500 243-7736
For Sale: 2 big iron wheels from wagons; window table; large piece office carpet 812-1372
For Sale: side by side black refrigerator $35 with water in door 853-9913
Wants: chest type freezer 593-0029
For Sale: 1998 Polaris 4 x 4 4-wheeler, recently rebuilt 653-0769
Wants: small outboard motor for a Jon boat 893-7721
For Sale: 3 TV sets (19, 32 inch) 225-7413
For Sale: Cricket phone $20 with charger; coffee cup sets $10 900-9282