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Swap and Shop for Friday

Apr 13, 2012 at 08:35 am by bryan

 For Sale: small double drop leaf dinning room table and a roll top desk and a coat rack 295-5505

Yard Sale: on 6246 Sedrick St. - selling a kario cabinet

For Sale: 51” Rear projection TV with remote 893-6564

For Sale: computer desk for $20 and plywood for $10 and a TV/DVD player for $10 and a walker 569-7734

YARD SALE: 5087 Epps Mill Rd. 631-7612

For Sale: Chiwwawwa puppies 896-8141

For Sale: two kitchen tables (one from the 1940's) both Oak $75 OBO and WANT a hammock frame 848-0463

YARD SALE: 713 Flemming Farms Dr. 225-7413 Saturday at 6AM

For Sale: Topsie Terby Vegetable Planters 247-3255 and want hens.

YARD SALE: 1024 E. Jefferson Pike TODAY and Saturday at 8AM 615-971-2188

For Rent: Horse pasture between Smyrna and Murfreesboro and selling a 1956 Chevy Belair for $8500 and a bumper pool table 243-7736

For Sale: Car Hauler and a four wheeler 4X4 and a yard sale at 395 Barker Rd. today and Saturday 563-9844

For Sale: 2011 Craftsman riding Mower for $450 663-3583

WANTED: Rose of Sharon plants 615-618-0476

Yard Sale: 580 Kingwood Lane at 8AM on Friday and Saturday 896-2054

For Sale; Two prom dresses size 6 for $100 ea. And yard sale at 702 Peachtree St, Saturday 427-9689

For Sale: Large capacity Whirlpool Refrigerator $175 439-5778

WANTED: Lawn mower engine 525-1968

For Sale: 20' Javelin Fishing boat 809-4591

For Sale: Brown Eggs 893-4393at 15 public square

WANTED: Backpack sprayer 893-6000

For Sale: assorted dishes and a waffle iron and a toaster oven for $20 and a cordless phone for $20 890-0707

For Sale: Polaris four wheeler and a microwave 615-653-0769


Sections: Swap and Shop