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Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Apr 18, 2012 at 09:25 am by bryan

For Sale: riding mower made by Lowes (38” cut) and selling a table & chairs 542-3003

DOG FOUND 692-9781 Bridge Ave Area

For Sale: Llama .45 1911 handgun and a 2008 Suzuki Blvd motorcycle and lime spreader back spreader 931-575-9861

For Sale: Couch and a love seat and a 50” Big Screen TV 615-692-8860

For Sale: a walker for $10 and a portable TV and DVD player for $10 and a computer desk for $20 569-7734

For Sale: Elec. Cook Stove 233-5489

For Sale: 1990 Chevy Van for $2500 OBO 615-300-5606 Ask for Mongo

For Sale: Maytag double oven, like new $800 OBO 582-8517

For Rent: Horse pasture between Smyrna and Mboro for $250/mo and a 1956 Chevy BelAir for $8500 and selling a cordless mic 243-7736

For Sale; Walk behind mower with a sulky $850 – 459-5812

For Sale: full sized light oak desk and old country records 274-3255

LOST DOG: Boxer age 6 named Tucker – seen last in Northfield School Area. Call Me 849-8626

For Sale: Armoire and a sofa and a dinning room table – 615-556-5175

Will trade a blower for a weedeater – call me 931-639-4457

For Sale: Refrigerator side by side for $300 853-9913

For Sale: Several landscape edgers for .50-cents ea. And a large bird bath for $50 631-0410

For Sale: like new push mowers 893-1114

For Sale: elec. Stove that is 30” in size for $70 and a large refrigerator for $175 – 439-5778

For Sale: Wheels for a Chevy or Buick $450 and a set of Crager rims for a truck - $250 – 578-3989

For Sale: Two riding mowers 890-1705

For Sale: 2002 Chevy Silverado truck and an antique safe 896-7018


Sections: Swap and Shop