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Officers Robert Palmer, David Spell and Randall Gaines

Apr 19, 2012 at 10:20 am by bryan

The family at Demos' Restaurant proudly honor emergency responders who go the extra mile. A woman was driving down broad when a man decided not to turn onto Mercury as signaled, but instead moved forward and slammed into another vehicle. The female victim was shocked when the guy who hit her, pulled away and sped down Bradyville Pike. Another motorist was nearby and followed the car while telling police he whereabouts. In a letter, the woman says "chalk one up to the good guys"--three patrol vehicles were approaching Bradyville Pike and Rutherford Boulevard--with blue lights on and siren blaring--the hit and run driver was surrounded. Murfreesboro Police Officers Robert Palmer, David Spell and Randall Gaines displayed great teamwork as they stopped a man driving on a revoked license, was driving under the influence--plus, had no insurance!  The victim said especially Officer Spell's good nature and sense of humor helped to make her rough day more bearable.