Tuesday Swap'n Shop

May 08, 2012 at 09:05 am by bryan

For Sale: utility trailer; several cans of Seven 653-0769

For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup; motorcycle; 350 Chevy motor 563-9844

For Sale: 1956 Chevy Bel-Air $8,500; cell phone For Rent: horse pasture 243-7736

For Sale: computer desk $20; upright grand piano 569-7734

For Sale: 1986 Toyota pickup, 4 cylinder, 4 wheel drive $3,500; 2 mules and harnesses 893-2474

For Sale: large Kenmore capacity dryer 931-619-2456

Wants: tiller 818-2935 after 4PM

For Sale: 42-inch Murray riding mower with 17HP engine $325; Wants: Koehler single cylinder engine 525-1968

For Sale: queen size mattress and box springs $75; antique Singer (foot treadle unit) 977-9799

For Sale: figuring (Denim Days and The Greatest Story), framed pictures 896-2867

For Sale: 21 old 78rpm records in their sleeves 424-1354

For Sale: AC unit 893-5476For Sale: chest of drawer and dresser with mirror $75 593-0029


Sections: Swap and Shop