Monday Swap'n Shop

May 14, 2012 at 08:23 am by bryan

For Sale: VCR $20 (no remote unit included) 542-4049

For Sale: computer desk $15; upright grand piano 569-7734

For Sale: flat screen computer monitor; “open sign” lit-up sign 815-7848

For Sale: utility trailer 653-0769

For Sale: ferns; fifth wheel hitch $300 962-7136

For Sale: 2 nice end tables with marble tops; black tool box (aluminum) for truck 578-0822

For Sale: 1956 Chevy Bel Air; cell phone For Rent: horse pasture 243-7736

For Sale: weed eater; push mower; riding mower 568-1361

For Sale: 1985 Chevy Silverado pickup (red); torch set; trailer (car hauler) 563-9844

For Sale: maroon 4 x 6-foot Gemtop cover $75 556-5175

For Sale: 2010 Ford Ranger pickup 42-inch Troy-bilt mower 273-2460

For Sale: farm tractor; Service: pickup scrap metal 295-3591

Wants: free standing hammock frame; cement bench; For Sale: dining room table $75 848-0463

For Sale: 18 x 4-foot swimming pool; dining room table (one glass and one wood) 427-9488

Wants: trailer type bush hog 848-3590

Wants: someone to hang drywall 895-3160

Sections: Swap and Shop