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Monday Swap'n Shop

May 21, 2012 at 08:14 am by bryan

For Sale: maple gun cabinet with glass door (6'6” tall) $250; Craftsman tool box with key on rollers $125; bicycle $40 295-5505

For Sale: 51-inch TV; black entertainment center with storage compartments $30 893-6564

For Sale: large basket full of split oak and other basket items to make these (20 handle rings and a variety of other items) $150 556-7089

For Rent: horse pasture; For Sale: 2005 Jeep Wrangler; cordless guitar//mic unit 243-7736

For Sale: computer desk; upright grand piano; 7-8 VHS videos of Beverly Hillbillies 569-7734

For Sale: AC; hospital portable potty $15 893-5076

Wants: corner cabinet (ceiling to floor size) 962-1102

For Sale: 70 x 79 Gem-Top $50 556-5175

For Sale: big wheel 5HP, 22-inch cut lawnmower (used 1 season, like new) $75 867-1010

For Sale: 7.15 acres on second Elam Road; oak DR table with 8 chairs; 27-inch TV 427-9488

For Sale: overstuffed micro-suede chair $75; costume jewelry and bags; wall pictures 589-1737

Yard Sale/Estate Sale: this Thursday-Saturday (7AM-5PM) @ 831 Cranor Rd. (off Old Woodbury Highway) 893-0155


Sections: Swap and Shop