Tuesday Swap'n Shop

May 22, 2012 at 09:05 am by bryan

For Sale: 2000 4 x 4 Chevy pickup; 1985 Silverado; 16-foot car hauler 563-9844

Wants: greenhouse (6-foot) 653-2334

For Sale: AC $500 (new and in box); portable toilet $15 893-5476

Wants: flag pole; For Sale: swing set $50 896-1557

Wants: beef for slaughter 525-6379

For Sale: white 18,000 BTU Whirlpool AC with remote control, energy saver, $250 439-5778

For Sale: 36-inch shop fan; clay target skeet shooter 653-0769

For Sale: new large toaster oven $20; cordless phone $12; Posture-pedic pillow $10 890-0707

For Sale: plaid colored, clean and nice couch $100 439-5778

Wants: large boy's bike 893-5794

Service: out of a job and works on AC units 663-1957


Sections: Swap and Shop