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Wednesday Swap'n Shop

May 23, 2012 at 09:10 am by bryan

For Sale: maple rifle cabinet (holds 11 guns); Wants: 2 oil painting wood frames (3 x 4 and 2 x 3-feet); oval mirror for dresser 295-5505

For Sale: talk (7-foot) bookshelf $40; kitchen accessories; TV stand $75 589-1737

Wants: square bales of hay 569-7751

For Sale: 2005 Wrangler Jeep; T-Mobile cell phones; For Rent: horse pasture 243-7736

For Sale: 1,000 gallon and a 65-gallon water tank $175 for both 568-1361

Service: pickup scrap metal (car batteries, appliances, etc.) and will clean garages 869-9349

For Sale: 16-foot car hauler trailer; 8N Ford Tractor; 2000 S-10 4 x 4 truck 563-9844

Wants: Kohler 17HP engine; Event: 8AM-5Pm estate sale on 831 Cranor Road 525-1968

For Sale: 1994 Dodge 15-passenger van, clean, $1,700 890-5276

For Sale: white camper top for long-bed truck 893-9418

For Sale: metal wine rack (holds 30-bottles) $20; 1955 Moore Funeral Home calendar $20 556-7089

For Sale: VCR $20 542-4049

Wants: beds to be re-constructed, needs railings 459-4881

Sections: Swap and Shop