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Wednesday Swap'n Shop

May 30, 2012 at 09:08 am by bryan

For Sale: 11 Victorian dolls 295-5505

For Sale: 5 piece bedroom set; treadmill; garden tiller 593-0029

For Sale: Whirlpool new AC $500 893-5476

For Sale: donkey $50 274-3261

For Sale: 4 x 8-foot tilt trailer 896-4153

For Lease: horse pasture with barn and pond; For Sale: hot tub (possibly trade); T-Mobile phones 243-7736

For Sale: lawn mower (used 1 season) $160 new and will take $65 (big wheels in rear) 867-1010

For Sale: 25 full-size movie posters, in perfect shape $250 for all of them 556-7089

For Sale: VCR $20; 6-drawer dresser $20 542-4049

For Sale: Maytag built-in dishwasher, works fine $75 (black) 833-3232

Yard Sale: Friday and Saturday (7AM-?) 310 Palm Court (women's large clothes, car parts, furniture and more) 569-0933

For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk $20; walker for elderly person $10 569-7734

For Sale: scooter with 48-miles on it 896-7018


Sections: Swap and Shop