For Sale: pocket knives, old razors, flea market items 542-6530
For Sale: 1985 Silverado pickup; 16-foot car hauler trailer; small trailer for mowers 563-9844
For Sale: 13 good laying hens, 7 bee hives (full of honey); 563-2130
For Sale: 20-inch Panasonic TV $25 (good shape); 51-inch TV $195 893-6564
For Sale: 7 acres with 3,000 square foot home; 7 acres with barn and 2 perk sites (both are 5miles south of Murfreesboro, off Manchester Rd. 427-9488
For Sale: office carpet; 20-inch tall window table; old mirror 812-1372
For Sale: dresser $15; VCR $10 631-2642
For Sale: 2 solid wood desks $25 each; GE room AC (10,000 BTU) $175 631-6930
For Sale: upright grand piano; computer desk 569-7734
Moving Sale: washer-dryer; treadmill; Wants: trailer 593-0029
For Sale: AC $316 893-5476
For Sale: 1972 Ford dump truck (1-ton); generator; John Deer walk-behind mower 394-6383
For Sale: 1971 El Camino radiator; 42-inch blade (new) for Murray 568-1361
For Sale: 3 male donkeys $50 each; 1 plastic full-size pickup tool box $30 848-3590
Wants: wheel chair (needs donation) 427-2712
For Sale: green beans, squash and soon tomatoes 896-1243